ELASTOPHENE® FLAM 30 cam tülü donatılı ve esnek SBS elastomer bitümlü su yalıtım membranıdır. İki yüzeyi de polietilen folyo ile kaplıdır. AENOR sertifikalıdır ve LBM(SBS)-30-FV UNE 104242-1:1999 ile uyumludur.
- High performance: with a reinforcement Glass fleece, the membrane has a perfect dimensional stability.
- Versatility: ELASTOPHENE® FLAM 30 is designed to adapt perfectly to the different cases of waterproofing in new construction as for repair.
- Reliability and durability: ELASTOPHENE® FLAM 30 is made from a mixture of bitumen and polymers containing additives and stabilizers, which give a high resistance to weathering.
- Easy implementation: the ELASTOPHENE® FLAM 30 membranes are designed to be exclusively welded propane torch. The rollers ELASTOPHENE® FLAM 30 are welded up as you go. The plastic film covering the membrane melts easily in contact with the torch flame. Mixed and absorbed by the elastomeric bitumen, it contributes to excellent adhesion of the membrane on its support.
- Warranty: ELASTOPHENE® FLAM 30 membranes received a Technical guarantee of a reliability test of time
ELASTOPHENE® FLAM 30 SBS elastomer bitümlü korumalı su yalıtım sitemlerinde birinci ya da ikinci kat olarak kullanılır. Sadece şalümo ile kaynaklanır.
- Rulo ölçüleri: 10 m x 1 m
- Rulo ağırlığı: 30 kg
- Saklama koşulları: Üzeri kılıflı paletler üzerinde dik olarak
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